Regular Group Classes
Beginner Courses
Argentine Tango is one of the most romantic and
intimate dances, demanding a close connection between partners. All movements are led by men and women have to follow with
their sensitivity and awareness of her leader's energy. When you learn with us, you will discover that you don’t need
to memorize any choreography. In tango, people can dance with a stranger and feel perfect connection if they can lead and
follow well. That’s why Tango is said to be a 3-mins love affair when you dance with all your heart.
In these
introduction courses, the foundation elements of Argentine Tango will be taught, such as the Basic Steps, Cross, Ocho and
Parada among others. And we will focus on some core techniques as well, like walking, and framing techniques in leading and
following. In addition, we will also do demonstrations to different kinds of music, like Vals, milonga (fast Tango music),
Nuevo Tango music and also traditional Tango music. After this course, students should be able to start dancing in milongas
(Tango parties) and know more about different kinds of the dance and music.
No need to bring
a partner with you, partners are rotated during each class.
: Raymond and Lily, and assisting teachers
Improver Class recurring classes Suitable for students who has finished Beginner courses, and those who
are retaking beginner courses.
Improver level will focus on connecting elements so that students can start dancing
to a song with simple steps, getting students more comfortable with dancing in close embrace.
Intermediate Class
recurring classes
Suitable for students who has finished at least 1 cycle of improver level, and those
who are re-taking improver level at the same time. Students should already know ochos, media luna, basic giros, sacadas. Students
should already have milonga experience.
Intermediate level will focus on more movement concepts like boleo, ganchos,
barridas... etc. Through these movements, students will be trained with more techniques and more options in the dance
to handle dance floor navigation.
Advance Class
recurring classes
Suitable for students who has finished at least
2 cycles of intermediate level.
Advance level will focus on more demanding movements as well as doing the basic movement
with higher quality.
Ladies Technique Class
recurring classes Suitable
for students who has finished beginner level or above.
Please wear pants and
bring a pair of socks, and of course Tango shoes to classes. Floor works and stretching exercises will be included
to strengthen your body/leg power.
Different solo exercises will be used to get you (and your body muscle) understand the techniques in tango with details in
the movements including walking, ochos, giro, boleo, ganchos, etc. Embellishment will also be introduced to
make you look more elegant and stylish in dancing. Beside, secrets of inducing more sensual
feelings in the dance will also be shared.
The exercises taught in class can be done at home, it's a good way to prepare ourselves to be able to do the movement on our own with
perfect balance and with ease, so that when we dance with men, we can concentrate on following their lead, and so, you
can be more sensitive, and at the same time, be naturally elegant!
Fundamental Class
recurring classes
This class suitable for improver or above, as we have to go back to the fundamental techniques again
and again to perfect them and refine them with more details.
We shall work on walking, embrace,
energy, alignments, connection... and all other aspects that make you dance with better quality instead of with quantities
of steps or embellishments.
Milonga / Vals Class
recurring classes
This class suitable for those who are comfortable with basic leading and following
in tango.
We shall work on elements
in milonga and vals, musicality, common patterns of movements, special characteristics of them, qualities of them... to help
you be able to run into the dance floor instead of sitting down for the whole tanda.
Special Theme Class
recurring classes
Special Theme Class will have a rotation of the following themes :
Month 1- Milonguero Style Milonguero ochos, giro, and common
movements in close embrace without pivot.
Month 2
- Musicality How to dance to the music with beats, rhythm, melody, phrase ending, pause, dialogues, quality
of contrast, sustaining, staccato, how to handle adagio, variation etc... listening as well as getting your
body and your partner into music.
Month 3 - Dancing to Nuevo music Suspending
movements, Out of axis movements - Volcada and Colgada
Performance course in NOV-DEC 2015 Dates : Sundays (8, 22 Nov and 13 Dec) - 3 Sundays 4:30-5:45pm Stage
Sequence 6-8:30pm Performance course
Tuesdays (17 Nov and 1, 8 Dec ) - 3 Tuesdays 7:45-9pm Stage Sequence
9-10:15pm Performance course
Rehearsals x 3 (TBC)...
Sunday 20 Dec 6-8:30pm Tuesdays 29 Dec 8-10:30pm Friday 1 Jan 5:30-8pm
Performance opportunity: -
In one of our Otra Noche Milonga (preliminarily scheduled on 1 Jan, or 15 Jan 2016) - in our ShenZhen Milonga preliminarily
scheduled on 16 Jan 2016) - In outdoor street shows (preliminarily scheduled on 3 Jan, 2016 Sunday) - In other milongas
or events (to be arranged subject to progress of the team
Venue : Tuesday classes at Sheung Wan studio (TBC)
Sunday classes at Austin Road Ricky studio - 1F, Chong Tak Building, 33-39 Austin Road, Jordan, Kowloon.
Fee :
Performance option : Full package of Performance course + Stage Sequence at $2600 (for 15 sessions of 1hr 15min classes)
Rehearsal fee : $200 per session of 2.5hr (or 1 class coupon)
Non-performance option : Stage Sequence class
can be joined individually at $200 single class or 1 class coupons.
*** To those who wish to perform
: All those who wish to perform MUST join all the performance classes AND Stage sequence classes AND rehearsals, if you
really cannot join any of them, please let us know, we shall handle them separately.
*** To those who are not going
to perform : Stage sequence class are designated for those who want to learn but may not want to perform. These classes
will have related movements and sequences used in the performance course. You can take them separately with or without partners,
or sharing partners.
Notes: 1.Performance course should be taken and registered with partners. If you
have problem finding a partner, please talk to us so that we can help you to match up with possible partners. But it's better
to ask around, before they were taken 2.The course will focus on one group choreography (this time a slower emotional
song) with Tango Salon and some Stage movements. Some parts in the choreography will be designed for different level of dancers.
If you are not sure about if you are at a suitable level to join, you can discuss with us. 3.Additional rehearsals after
completing the course might be arranged to prepare for the performances in the coming events. 4.You can join the classes
even if you do not intend to do any performance, it's still a good training. But please let us know in advance. 5. The
final selection of dancers for different shows depend on the students' attendance and performance.
: Please send the following information to Lily 92572195 by either whatsapp message or facebook message or email to
1- your name (and your partners' name) 2- phone number 3- any dates unavailable from the above preliminary schedule
or classes and rehearsals 4 - if you choose to perform or not, please state.