Raymond and Lily - Champion of Tango Salon 2011 in Asia and 2014 in China

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Phone :  9025 8001 
(better send us sms or whatsapp, as we may be in classes and cannot answer calls sometimes)

Facebook : Lily Cheng | otrotangohk@gmail.com
                 Raymond Chu | raymond.chu.71465@facebook.com
Wechat : Lily Otrotango | Wechat ID : lilyotro21
               Raymond  Chu | Wechat ID : RaymondChu2013
               (Please send us a personalized message and the
               City you are from when you invite us to ADD you to
               make sure we will respond)

OTROTango Teachers  include :  

Raymond and Lily 
Andre and Agnes 
Desmond and Jenny


Raymond and Lily 



Raymond Chu and Lily Cheng have won in the Salon Tango and Vals categories in the Championship in China, 2014 and represented China to take part in the World Tango Championship in Argentina in which they were able to make their way to become one of the top 30 Finalists. In 2011, they were the first and only Chinese dancers to have won as the champions of the Asian Championship (salon tango category) in Japan. They have represented Asia to participate in the World Championship 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and were ranked top 4 in the semi-final among over 400 professional couples from all over the world. 

They are an inspirational reference for the new generations of dancers and performers, widely recognized for their elegance and essence of tango in their dance.

Raymond and Lily have started dancing argentine tango since 2003. They learnt from well-respected tango masters in Buenos Aires during their extended visits to Argentina years after years. In 2006, they started teaching and formed their own dance company OtroTango. Their teaching has show a deep understanding of authentic tango, in it’s cultural as well as technical aspects emphasizing on details, precision and quality of movements. They have brought up many good dancers in HK, and inspired more all over Asia. They were invited to teach workshops and perform in Seoul, Taipei, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Bali, Singapore and Beijing and Brunei. Over the years, Lily and Raymond have provided exceptional instructions to hundreds of students and international tangueros. They have also been invited to perform in some of the prestigious milongas, like Salon Canning and La Baldosa in the mecca of Tango, Buenos Aires.

In 2013, they have organized the 1st Tango Salon Championship in Hong Kong and Tango Salon Xtreme Workshop with more than 80 participants from all over Asia, and over 200 persons from Hong Kong, forming the 2nd largest championship in Asia. They were invited to prestigious events, including performing in the 10th Anniversary of the Asian Championship in Japan as past champions and in the Hong Kong Dance Alliance’s Dance Award 2013 as guest performers.


RaymondLily (朱永康及鄭勵)2011年世界探戈大賽亞洲區分賽(沙龍探戈組)冠軍,曾於2011年世界探戈大賽中準決賽排名第四並晉身總決賽,亦是至今唯一 一對勝出亞洲賽的中國舞者。2014年更贏得世界探戈大賽中國賽區(沙龍探戈組及華爾茲)冠軍,今年剛8月代表中國參加於阿根廷首都擧辦的世界大賽, 再次晉身總決賽成為最後三十強之一。


Raymond及Lily同樣重視探戈的傳承,於2006年成立OtroTango,在香港及各地教授了不少學生,並曾獲邀到首爾、台北、悉尼、東京、上海、峇里、新加坡、北京及汶萊等地表演及客席授課。他們曾多次在布宜諾斯艾利斯著名的探戈舞會中表演,例如Salon Canning 及La Baldosa。


Lily  has 6 years of ballet and modern dance training. She has performed for different local modern dance groups and her choreography debut “Tied” has won the silver prize of a dance choreography competition in 2000. But ever since she met tango in 2003, she devoted herself totally to this particular dance art. She has even quitted her job as an architect to work full time in tango from 2011. Through her training in modern dance, she understand how the bodies work and respond, she teaches and helps students get the movements easily with natural dynamics. With extended visits to the Mecca of tango, Buenos Aires, she has gone deep into the essence of tango, and developed a unique style with classical elegance and subtle passion.




Lily 自小醉心舞蹈。曾習芭蕾舞及現代舞等,隨城市當代舞蹈團多位專業導師習舞六年,並<南郡舞子><方舟><戀舞狂> 等舞團的舞蹈演出。 2000年首次編演的舞作<<>>更獲全港公開舞蹈比賽現代舞組銀獎。直至遇上阿根廷探戈後,便一直專注於這種舞蹈,隨世界各地探戈大師研習,她希望以現代舞自然流動的元素揉合傳統探戈的優雅婉約,創出獨特的舞風。






Raymond  crushed on Tango since 2003. He has followed many world famous tango teachers all over the world to study tango. He has visited Buenos Aires several times to learn and realize what real tango is. He loves both the traditional elegant tango style and the nuevo tango style. And he always would combine those styles in his dancing. Raymond started performing Tango in 2005 and has done demonstrations and performances in lots of occasions since then. He has been invited by the largest Tango Club, Tangotang, as guest teacher for their workshops. He has now been teaching tango with Lily regularly since 2006.  




Raymond  在 2003 年遇上了探戈,並戀上了這舞。曾跟隨多位世界知名的阿根廷探戈大師習舞,也曾到探戈的聖地 - 亞阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,以學習及感受真正的探戈,並了解探戈最新的發展,他喜歡傳統探戈的優雅性感以及新探戈(Nuevo Tango) 的技巧。於 2005 年開始在不同的場合作探戈示範及表演,並被邀請在香港最大的探戈組織作導師教授探戈。





Andre and Agnes 


Andre and Agnes started their tango partnership in the summer of 2011. They were invited to perform at some of the Milongas in HK. They have been assisting/teaching group classes and holding Practica Otro occasionally.

Andre and Agnes 由2011 年夏天開始成為探戈舞伴。他們多次應邀在香港不同的舞會中演出,亦間中參與團體班的助教或教學工作,及曾主持Practica Otro。

Andre started Tango when he joined the opening milonga of TangoBang of Shanghai in 2008. He has never imagine himself in Tango, and how impactful tango is to his life. Andre followed Tango masters introduced by Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing and participates in all major events/milongas. He has performed in one of the milongas in the First Shanghai Tango Festival 2011. Andre has been known as elegant and active dancer in Hong Kong.

Andre 自參加了2008 年上海探戈幫的開幕舞會便開始了他的探戈生命。他從未想到會接觸探戈, 更不曾想過探戈會給他生命帶來如此巨大的影響力。他曾跟隨多位應香港、上海及北京主辦單位之邀請前來授課的探戈大師習舞, 並參與多個大型舞會。 他曾於2011年第一屆上海探戈節其中一個舞會中演出。他亦是香港當中一位活躍的舞者。

Agnes had Chinese dance training since she was 6. She kept on dancing during school time and participated in dance team and dance competition. She had also learned Modern Jazz, Latin Dance and Salsa before she started to learn Argentine Tango in 2006. She learned tango with many well-known masters including Javier & Andrea, Pablo & Noelia, Laila & Leandro, Carolina & Francisco, Sebastian & Roxana, Christian & Virginia… etc. She has performed in the farewell milonga in the First HK Tango Festival 2010. She is also one of the organizers of Milonga OTRA Noche.

Agnes 於六歲時開始接受中國舞蹈的訓練, 並於在學期間加入學校舞蹈團, 多次參與演出及比賽。她亦曾學習現代爵士舞,拉丁舞及莎莎等等舞蹈。她於2006 年開始接觸亞根庭探戈, 曾跟隨多位世界知名的探戈大師習舞。她曾在2010年第一屆香港探戈節歡送舞會中參與演出。她亦是Milonga OTRA Noche主辦者之一。
